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Mark Andre: the Poetic of the Titles
Yesayan Rachya (Hrachya) R.

The relevance of the study and its scientific novelty is characterized by the fact that it is the first one among musicology works dedicated to the composer Mark Andre. The article undertakes a detailed analysis of the titles of the works of the Franco-German composer and formulates an approach to their creation in the context of the poetics of Marc Andre’s music. This issue is also considered in the context of the work of his predecessors, whose works were associated with the ones of Andre in their figurative content and external performance. The hypothesis of our research is to recognize the process of creating names for musical pieces as a full-fledged element of the composer’s creative activity. The purpose of the study is to identify the conceptual methods and philosophical and aesthetic principles of the composer, which he is guided by when forming the titles. The article provides a detailed evaluative review of the titles of the pieces with the text of the author’s comments. As a result, it is possible to identify three different stages of the approach to the creation of the title. Particular attention is paid, in addition to M. Andre himself, to the composers G. de Machaut, O. Messian, J. Cage, C. Ballif, G. Grisey and H. Lachenmann in terms of working with the word in the title of the work.
Keywords: Mark Andre, musical work, new music, title, deconstruction, fragmentation, acronym, micro-quote.

DOI: 10.25791/musicology.3.2021.1182

Pp. 27-37.


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