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Musicology Annotation << Back
On the issue of mastering a musical work in the space «4 D» |
Blok Oleg A.
The article considers the musical work as a multidimensional determinantal space, which requires a more serious meaningful attitude from contemporary performers. In this regard, a number of negative factors affecting the formation of the performing culture of studying musicians, which belong to different parts of national education (primary, secondary special, higher, postgraduate) are indicated. The analytical circle includes a system ("text", "subtext", "over text", "context" of a musical work) which, in the author's opinion, can provide a technological breakthrough in the process of preparing performing musicians. Defi nitions of the definitions "text", "subtext", "over text" and "context" are given as a combination of the multidimensional space of a musical work ("4D"). An attempt is made to identify the specifics of mastering each individual spatial level of a musical work. It focuses on the fact that it is this technological approach that can contribute to the discovery of new perspectives in the pedagogy of musical performance.
Keywords: musical work, studying performer, music education system, musical text, subtext, over-text, context.
DOI: 10.25791/musicology.06.2019.687
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Pp. 42-47. |
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