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About the History of the Central Music School at the Moscow Conservatory |
Vladimir I. Adischev
The article substantiates the idea that the creation of the Central Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory to a great extent was due to the activity of a Special children’s group that existed in the university. The organizational and substantive aspects of group activities are revealed. It is shown that in the Special group were a small number of gifted children who received general music education with f prospect of further learning at the conservatory. Educational activities in the group had been focused on all-round development of students and respect for the individuality of each child. Leading professors and teachers
of the conservatory worked with children. Comprehensive assistance from the state was provided to the group. All this led to the
receiving of high educational results. The positive experience of the Special Group convinced of the need to expand the scale
of working with gifted children and the creation of special educational institution. This institution called the Central Music School was created in 1935 by combining the Special children’s group and the Conservatory Children’s department. In the and the article
concludes that the Special children’s group has contributed to the national music education despite the short period of existence: it prepared the creation of a unique educational institution which was the Central Music School at the Moscow Conservatory, and with an example of its effective practice it has set on the agenda in the mid-1930s the need to create special music schools for gifted children in other conservatories in the country.
Keywords: Central Music School of Moscow State Conservatory, Special children’s group.
Contacts: E-mail: nsimo2010@yandex.ru
Pp. 67-72. |
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