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A.V. Ossovsky and the "new music" |
Smirnov Valeriy V.
This article is devoted to little known aspect of activity of outstanding Russian researcher A.V. Ossovsky – to an active support of the modern musical process in the pre-Revolution years. In his articles from 1894 to 1912 the critic goes towards the new music of West Europe – to compositions by Debussy, Ravel, R. Strauss, Mahler, meanwhile placing the Russian music into the European context. Such integrated approach witnesses the real historicism of Ossovsky’s way of thinking, which trait being formed already in the beginning of his perennial creative path.
Keywords: A.V. Ossovsky, music criticism, musical-historical process, modernism, West-European music, Russian music,
Ziloti Concerts.
DOI: 10.25791/musicology.11.2018.246
Contacts: E-mail: diss@conservatory.ru
Pp. 13-17. |
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