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Musicology Annotation << Back
Harmonica in the Context of Circassian (Adyghe) Customs and Ceremonies: Functions and Semantics (Historical and Ethnographic Review) |
Andgela V. Gucheva, Mukhamed F. Bukhurov, Farizat H. Gulieva (Zanukoeva), Timur A. Dzughanov, Barasbi N. Berezgov
The article is devoted to consideration of value of a harmonica in culture of adyghe of the end of XIX – the beginnings of the XX centuries. Authors study the main questions connected with emergence and distribution of this type of the tool among adyghe and other people of the North Caucasus, and also its role and functions in everyday life of society. The special attention is paid to ceremonies and customs in which features of «man’s» and «female» performing tradition are refl ected, in particular, ceremonies
of acquisition, ornament and storage of a harmonica, the customs connected with invitation of the accordion player to a wedding, accordion girl-player on dance, and also the questions defi ning the status of the master performer are considered.
Keywords: harmonica, acquisition of a harmonica, storage and decoration of a harmonica, «female» and «man’s» harmonicas, invitation of the accordion player to a celebration and dance, status of the master.
Contacts: E-mail: anggucheva@mail.ru, E-mail: mbf72@mail.ru, E-mail: gfariza37@mail.ru, E-mail: dzughanov@mail.ru, E-mail: a_g2210@mail.ru
Pp. 31-44. |
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