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The editorial policy of the publisher of music in the Renaissance: the activity of Ottaviano Petrucci dei Fossombrone
Elena V. Pankina

The article is dedicated to the specifi c aspects of the problem area of the «musical everyday life» of the Renaissance, namely some factors of development of the music printing, to whom existence and content of the publishing privilege (licence), fi nancial and organizational conditions, and technological decisions are related by the author of the article. The realization of these factors is considered on the example of the activity of the prominent publisher Ottaviano Petrucci. The Petrucci’s claims to
the Venetian Signoria (1498, 1514), the privilege received by him from Pope Leo X (1513) and also the inscriptions of Petrucci
and Bartolomeo Budrio being addressed to Girolamo Donato and published in the collection «Harmonice musices Odhecaton» (1501) are considered. The mentioned documents contain separate characteristics of Petrucci’s collections, appraisal of his technological innovation and also judicial fundamentals of the work of music publishers and book-sellers in the conditions of temporary monopolies in relation to the determined types of publications and competition – in this case of Petrucci and Andrea Antico. Eleven frottola books (1504–1514) are determined in the broad genre spectrum of Petrucci’s published collections. At proper time they became a new type of music production oriented to the mass demand and Petrucci took the leading position in its edition. It is mentioned about some distinguishing features of Petrucci being a music printer: clearly apparent periodization
and genre dynamics of the published collections, individual character of work with fi nancial and editorial collaboration in separate editions, setting of different types of realization of music production, fragmentary using of non-music editions, combination of
editorial and social and political activity.
Keywords: The Italian Renaissance, Ottaviano Petrucci, Andrea Antico, Venice, music edition, frottola.

Contacts: E-mail: 2mikep@mail.ru

Pp. 08-20.


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