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About using an alphabetic and fi gures tablature
for fi xing Karelian and Finnish melodies by Elias Lonnrot |
Valentina I. Moiseeva
The article is devoted to a unique phenomenon in European music culture-using an alphabetic and fi gures system for recording
notes in XIX century by Elias Lonnrot. Elias Lonnrot is an outstanding Finnish linguist, folklorist, doctor, Finnish language and
literature professor, the creator of Finnish epos Kalevala and the anthology of lyrical songs Kantelar, but his work as a musicianeducator
is not well-known yet. During the preparation for the publication of the folk songs collection for kantele, Lonnrot realized
the necessity of using a tablature. Democratic aspirations of national revival leader of Finland led to this choice. The author
of the article anylises in detail the specialities, differences and values of two types of tablatures; follows the dynamic of their
modernization in Elias Lonnrot’s work. The author tries to give the answers to the questions which have not been studied in
patriotic musicology, using the authoritative researches by Finnish scientist-musicologist Heikki Laitinen, handwritten sources,
which are kept in archives of Finnish Literature Society (SKS) and also leaning on own publications concerning the theme of the
Keywords: tablature, Elias Lonnrot, Lonnrotiana, Carl Michael Bellman, «Tuttus Wis – bok», «Notebook of songs for playing
the Kantele».
Contacts: E-mail: yalovemois2712@mail.ru
Pp. 27-35. |
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