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Musicology Annotation << Back
Archetypal Images of A.F. L’vov’s «Ondine»
in the «mermaid’s» Musical Context of the XIX Century |
Natalia I. Verba
The article considers the ways of realization of the archetypal images in the opera «Ondine» by A.F. L’vov. The attention is paid
to the drama, the orchestral and the intonational decisions of images, the general compositional principles, and the inter-textual
relations between the works about mermaids. The correlation of the mermaid’s musical characteristics of L’vov with the context of
other realizations this character in the musical art allows to make a conclusion about conditionality inter-textual links archetypal
image of sea maiden.
Keywords: archetype, images of artwork, archetypal images of the sea maiden, ways of implement of archetypal image in the
music art, the intertextual links between the works of implementing similar images.
Contacts: E-mail: verba.natalia@yandex.ru
Pp. 25-42. |
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