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Musicology Annotation << Back
Computer Researches of Flageolets on the Kazakh Dombra |
Saule I. Utegalieva, Aleksandr V. Kharuto,
This article is devoted to the research of fl ageolets on Kazakh dombra, to identifi cation overtone system at the time of sound
extraction. They were reproduced from the main tones of dombra open strings and measured with the help of computer SPAX
program developed by A.V.Kharuto. There were measured overtone frequencies for octave-, duodetsima- and other fl ageolets.
Sound pitches of analyzed fl ageolets in master’s performance were very near to theoretical values. The same method can be used
for the sound control during musician’s teaching.
Keywords: Kazakh dombra, computer analysis, fl ageolet, overtone row.
Contacts: E-mail: sa_u@mail.ru, E-mail: akharuto@yahoo.com
Pp. 16-20. |
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