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Musicology Annotation << Back
Intonational solutions of agogic problems
of music text (the example of Shopin’s Nocturne B major op.32 № 1) |
Dmitry Dyatlov
The article is a performing analysis of the Nocturne in B Major, op. 32 number 1 by Chopin. The selected angle of research is an analysis of musical texts from the perspective of performing agogics solves the problem of organic performance of the piece. This problem is posed to the performer by riddles of the text of the Nocturne: Cantilena of the theme regularly interrupted by pauses, performing instructions confront with the nature of melodic material, material of the Code is not associated with the nature of material of the piece. As a result, the figurative sphere of the piece is not drawn up into intonational unity. In order to find the right tone of utterance, organicity of the slightest moderation and acceleration, time compression and exemptions the study refers to the general characteristics such as figurative sphere of the piece, and its structural solutions.
Keywords: Nocturne, intonation, articulation, agogics, musical drama, Chopin, interpretation, music lyrics, musical image.
Contacts: E-mail: diatlovda@mail.ru
Pp. 62-69. |
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