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On historical truth and fiction in Scribe’s operatic libretto «Gustave III ou Le bal masque»
Olga Zhestkova

The article reveals the historical connections of plot in Scribe’s operatic libretto «Gustave III ou Le bal masque» (1833) with the real events in the personal life, public and political and creative activity of the king are discovered. When writing the libretto Scribe based on John Brawn’s «The northern courts» which was translated into French in 1820. This allowed him to successfully correlate and join historical truth and fiction in the work.
Keywords: Opera, libretto, history of Sweden, historical source, king Gustave III, E. Scribe, D. F. E. Auber.

Contacts: E-mail: Mon_ami_09@mail.ru

Pp. 09-19.


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