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Musicology Annotation << Back
Wedding group lamentation songs
of tirade-strophic composition:
to the problem of attribution |
Galina Shchupak
The article is devoted to the tunes of wedding group lamentation songs of tirade-strophic composition, recorded in Prikamye region along with single-line and regularly-strophic tunes. External signs of tirade-strophic composition are founded in the sample of wedding lamentation songs, recorded in the beginning of the XXth century by V.N. Serebrennikov. However, the small volume of notation does not allow an idea about principles of musical-temporary development of form. For solving this problem archival recordings, made in the Perm region and Komi-Perm Autonomous District in the 1960–1990s, are involved. Two samples are used to analyze syllable-rhythm, harmony-intonational organization of tunes, and to trace the relationship between the structure of musical periods and content of poetic texts. The issue of attribution and evaluation of such tunes (an accident or a relict?) is raised, full answer to which can be obtained only by attraction of a broad base of additional sources.
Keywords: Prikamye region, hearing notations, archival recordings, wedding group lamentation songs, tirade-strophic composition.
Contacts: Е-mail: galka_folk@mail.ru
Pp. 22-30. |
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