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Folklore Traditions of Old-timers of Udmurt Republic: The History of Collecting and the Results of Recent Field Work
Evgenia Sklyarova

The most important writings and publications about traditional culture of Russian old-timers of Udmurt Republic are indicated in this article, the results of the expeditions of the last years on the investigated territory, realized by the author of the article from 1998 to 2013 with the support of A.M. Mekhnetsov Folklore and Ethnographic Center of the N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov Saint Petersburg State Conservatory, are briefly presented. The key folklore genres reflecting the signs of the once-existing epic tradition are presented in the particular form. They are demonstrated in the imaginative and poetical sphere as well as in music and style sphere of the song folklore (wedding songs, lyrical songs, lamentations and music poems with religious theme).
Collected during these years expedition material allows to suggest not only the specific local song culture, but also allows to make a comparative study with the neighboring regions, for example with Kirov Oblast and Perm Krai.
Udmurt Republic is comparatively inconsiderable territory, but the original Russian traditions are saved in this region, what should be certainly taken into account when Russian folklore mapping and the further completing of the folklore and ethnography atlas.
Keywords: Udmurt Republic, folklore study, folklore and ethnographic field study, wedding songs, lamentations, lyrical songs, spiritual verses.

Contacts: E-mail: evgenia.sklyar@gmail.com

Pp. 21-31.


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