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On the Function of the Fingers of the Right Hand and the Method of Their Use on the Dutar
Abdurashidova Dirabo A.

The article is dedicated to the traditional Tajik and Uzbek dutar, the most common musical instrument in Central Asia. The article deals with the meanings of the fingers of the right hand on the dutar, endowed with the functions of active-passive, main-auxiliary. Reception of playing the dutar are performed on both sides of the fingers – external and internal. Meanwhile, the designation of the receptions and functions of the fingers of the right hand is carried out in the order of their logical following: active – the capital little finger (jimjilok), active – the main thumb (bosh barmok), active – the main index finger (kursatkich barmok), passive – auxiliary middle (urta barmok) and ring (halqa barmok) fingers. Accent and nonaccent strokes of the fingers of the right hand are also instaled, which reproduce various rhythmic combinations and strokes. For the first time, the paper proposes the writing of stroke combinations of the dutar based on the existing rhythmic-syllable system atonin, used in determining the musical and poetic rhythm of the aruz versification.
Keywords: dutar, receptions, fingers, functions, accent-non-accent blows, strokes, combinations.

DOI: 10.25791/musicology.5.2023.1317

Pp. 33-37.


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