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Musicology Annotation << Back
On the Hidden Meanings of the BACH Monogram in Gia Kancheli’s «Dixi» |
Nikulina Anastasia V.
In the music of composers of the XX and XXI centuries, the Bach monogram becomes a symbol of the highest values, combining with the concepts of faith, truth, beauty and art. By «encrypting» monogram BACH in the musical texture of the work, Kancheli gives an additional key to the «reading» of «Dixi» in the space of the musical intertext. On the basis of the intersection of verbal and musical layers, which turn out to be equally meaningful, new meanings of Kancheli’s music are revealed. The Bach’s Messe in h-moll, Bach’s Passions and also the Requiem genre are considered as hidden prototypes of the Georgian composer’s creation.
Keywords: Kancheli, Dixi, BACH monogram, Requiem, Mass, Passion, musical intertext.
DOI: 10.25791/musicology.3.2023.1304
Pp. 14-22. |
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