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Davids-harfe & Pedal Harp in Russia in 1740–1780 |
Sergeev Maxim V.
The use of a wide range of historical documents gives musicologists the opportunity to revise the established historical scheme of the spread of the pedal harp in Russia and to correct the prevailing ideas about the historical role of J.C. Hochbrucker (1715–after 1765). A virtuoso and musical instrumentalist, the second son of the inventor of the pedal harp, he became famous in Poland and the Baltic States and visited St. Petersburg on numerous occasions, yet failed to achieve any significant results in the popularization of his instrument in Russia. The accounts of contemporaries and work of musical instrument builders testify to the wide spread of a two-row chromatic harp called Davids-harfe across free social estates of Russia in the second half of the 18th century. St. Petersburg saw this type of harp built by the court musical instrument maker L. Eckholm (?–1780). His instruments were cheaper and more competitive than the European ones, and were used for practice at the Educational Society for Noble Maidens for a long period of time. The new evidence allows for further research into the extent the art of harp penetrated the Russian society in the second half of the 18th century as well as into how the harp instruments were changed along the way. This material can be used for the purpose of attribution of the harps held in Russian museums.
Keywords: Pedal harp, Davids-harfe, J.C. Hochbrucker, L. Ekholm, Attribution of musical instruments, Musical Instrument making, Organology.
DOI: 10.25791/musicology.10.2022.1275
Pp. 03-12. |
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