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Archival Materials for the Biography Professor I.G. Agafonnikova |
Miroshnichenko Svetlana V.
In this article, on the basis of a personal file stored in the archive of the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, the path of Professor Igor Germanovich Agafonnikov is documented. 40 sheets of archival materials open new facets of the pedagogical path of the choral conductor. For the first time, a gift inscription is reproduced from a photograph stored in the Bolshoi Theater Museum. A panorama of Agafonnikov's professional work has been recreated since 1950. The article for the first time presents such documents as a personal leafl et on personnel registration, a questionnaire and an application for employment in the conservatory. An extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Department of Choral Conducting is given, as well as a characteristic signed by B.G. Tevlin. Materials related to its professional support activities for other educational institutions are published. In particular, we are talking about the Magnitogorsk Conservatory in self-determination and the development of which I.G. Agafonnikov played an important role. It is reported about the anniversary concert of I.G. Agafonnikov in the named conservatory in the spring of 2003, in which the works of P.G. Chesnokov were performed under the guidance of a Moscow professor by choir groups of the Magnitogorsk Conservatory. Excerpts from orders for the conservatory are given, indicating material assistance to the professor during his illness.
Keywords: professor of Moscow Conservatory Igor Germanovich Agafonnikov, archival materials.
DOI: 10.25791/musicology.8.2022.1265
Pp. 08-12. |
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