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System of Exercises in Brief Structures in Harmony Lessons |
Gnilov Boris G., Nikoltsev Ilya D.
The article deals with a new system of harmonic exercises in brief structures, developed and implemented at the Department of Theory and History of Music of the Institute of Military Conductors. Melody harmonization is one of the main forms of students’ work in the study of the discipline "Harmony". Moreover, traditionally, such exercises are performed in the form of a period or even larger forms. This does not always allow focusing on the studied harmonic subject. In addition, students with an insufficient level of training, due to the large volume of the exercise, experience additional diffi culties in its implementation. Reducing the size of the exercise to the volume of a motive, phrase allows you to intensify the process of mastering the topic. Such exercises in suffi cient quantity can be performed in the process of self-preparation of the student and in the lesson.
Keywords: harmony, melody harmonization, exercises, brief structures, training intensification.
DOI: 10.25791/musicology.9.2021.1213
Pp. 35-38. |
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