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Director’s appropriation of the opera: Ingmar Bergman and Peter Brook |
Tarakanova Ekaterina M.
The article discusses the opera productions of Ingmar Bergman and Peter Brook. Their individual styles are different, but in the approach to opera, these two great directors can find common ground: the effects of the poetics of cinema and drama theater, the search for chamber intonation, making an artistic text closer to the public, the flickering of subtexts and the peculiar blurring of the lines between art and life. In the work of Bergman, there was a movement from caring for opera sources to co-creation with a contemporary composer. Brooke’s «appropriation of the opera» led to the transformation of the originals. However, his «Don Giovanni» gives an example of fidelity to the score and, at the same time, to his own style developed in experimental productions. In addition, the connecting thread between the opera films of Bergman and Brook was the work of cameraman Sven Nykvist. Noteworthy is the appeal to Mozart’s «The Magic Flute». For Bergman and Brook, this opera organically blended into their «universe». For Bergman, this was the pinnacle of achievement, for Brook – probably the last treat with opera and an example of his later style.
Keywords: Ingmar Bergman, Peter Brook, opera directing, «The Rake’s Progress», «The magic flute», «Bacchae», «The tragedy of Carmen», «Impressions de Pelléas», «Don Giovanni», opera film.
DOI: 10.25791/musicology.10.2020.1152
Pp. 19-34. |
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