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Language features of Chinese dialects and their influence on the process of mastering the European singing school
Shalaeva Anna A.

The purpose of the article is to get acquainted with the most common dialects of the Chinese language, representing difficulties in teaching Slavic, Germanic and romance groups of the Indo-European language in academic singing. After the Chinese cultural revolution (1966–1976), the influence of Western European vocal schools had a significant impact on the emergence and development of classical singing in China. However, due to the expansion of intercultural communication in the field of academic singing, there were some phonetic difficulties in understanding and mastering the classical repertoire. Knowledge of the basic dialects of Chinese, which almost all vocal teachers have encountered, is designed to help speed up the process of adaptation of Chinese singers to European performance. Chinese is the most common modern language with a total of more than 1.3 speakers. It is subdivided into several dialect groups. Conventionally, the author identifies 2 large groups of dialects: northern and southern, which are different from each other. The analysis of the phonetic accent of southern dialect speakers in comparison with the phonetic accent of Northern dialect speakers is carried out, since the southern dialect differs significantly from other dialects: about 90 % of words are pronounced by speakers of this dialect in a different way. The author concludes that when working with Chinese vocal students, the teacher should take into account the presence of dialects as a fact of the language situation in China.
Keywords: academic vocal, vocal singing school, dialect, Chinese, Putonghua, Cantonese, phonetic transcription in singing.

DOI: 10.25791/musicology.12.2019.1097

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Pp. 35-40.


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