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Emotions in music. Emotionally expressive discourse of choral scorein symphonic compositions B. Tishchenko, A. Karamanov, A. Schnittke
Dolmatova Maria V.

The article is devoted to the emotional impact of music. The theoretical aspects of the transfer of emotive information in the work of art are highlighted. Ch. Peirce’s three semiotic incarnation of are as follows: icons correspond to the information of the images, the index is the basis of emotion, symbol – symbolic information. Emotive information in music is passed a special system of musical equivalents of the signs of emotions (adequate and conditionally adequate). In the vocal and choral performance, the signs of emotions are largely associated with non-verbal communication described by V. Morozov. We show acutely modern incarnation of the emotive information that is purposefully enhanced by the vocal and especially choral sound on example of compositions A. Karamanov’s «Sovershishasia», A. Schnittke’s The Fourth Symphony and choreo-symphonic cycliade «Beatrice» by B. Tishchenko. The increased level of emotional expressiveness is considered in the context of such psychological States as screaming, crying, ecstasy. In the sound of the choir, the enormous emotional resource created by the natural properties of the human voice to infect with emotion becomes an important element in the formation of the artistic concept of the modern symphonic canvas.
Keywords: emotional information, semiotics, music XX – XXI cnt., Alemdar Karamanov, Alfred Schnittke, Boris Tishchenko.

DOI: 10.25791/musicology.04.2019.593

Contacts: E-mail: dirijor18@gmail.com

Pp. 38-47.


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