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Integral serialism in the mirror of critical reflection of the 1950s-1960s
Okuneva Ekaterina G.

Integral serialism is one of the central concepts that developed in the music of the twentieth century and determined a radical renewal not only of the musical language, but also of the artistic consciousness. The article considers the critical reflection of serial music, which covered a wide social circle in the 1950s‒1960s. The author focuses on the problems of integral serialism from three angles – philosophical, compositional and structuralist. The analysis of the works of Adorno, Xenakis, Boulez, Ligeti, Krenek, Ruwet, Lévi-Strauss, Eco makes it possible to capture the important changes that have occurred in the understanding of many fundamental categories of musical thinking, to identify differences between serial and structuralist types of thinking, to show that the emergence and development of new compositional techniques was stimulated by understanding the problems of serial music by its authors themselves, who are in search of new compositional solutions.
Keywords: music of the twentieth century, integral serialism, criticism of integral serialism, «The Aging of the New Music», Theodor W. Adorno, Pierre Boulez, György Ligeti, Ernst Krenek, Claude Lévi-Strauss.

DOI: 10.25791/musicology.02.2019.490

Contacts: E-mail: okunevaeg@yandex.ru

Pp. 12-26.


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