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Crisis and dismantling of the tone concept in late sonatas by Alexander Scriabin
Devutsky Vladislav E.

The article shows that in the last sonatas of Alexandr Scriabin it is impossible methodologically to use none of the five wellknown definitions of tonality, and this means that the late harmonic style of the composer is much more accurately defined as atonal. In Russian musicology, this point of view still seems unusual, but only it leads to an adequate comprehension of the meaning of Scriabin’s music. Scriabin’s atonalism is not a non-historical phenomenon. On the contrary, the era of modernism, in which the composer plunged with passion, demanded innovative means of expressiveness and they appeared at once from many of the most sensitive artists: Debussy, Stravinsky, Schoenberg, Bartok, Prokofi ev, among whom Alexandr Scriabin's name takes one of the most prominent places.
Keywords: Scriabin, sonata, atonality.

DOI: 10.25791/musicology.12.2018.317

Contacts: E-mail: devvv@list.ru

Pp. 12-25.


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