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To the 50th anniversary of the death of L.L. Sabaneyev. A. Skryabin in the life of L. Sabaneyev |
Tatyana Yu. Maslovskaya
The article is devoted to the relationships between one of the most brilliant critics of the fi rst half of the 20th century L. Sabaneyev and A. Skryabin, especially close and fruitful in the last fi ve years of the composer’s life. The experience of spiritual, creative and scientifi c understanding of the Skryabin’s world resulted in Sabaneyev’s best work «Memoirs of Skryabin» (1925). Written at the turn of his own life (in the next year Sabaneyev left Russia), the book became a farewell to the era of the Silver Age, with the
Russian musical world and with the homeland. «Memoirs» (as well as the monograph «Skryabin» written in 1916) was aroused both by ecstatic responses (Rakhmaninov, Myaskovsky) and by bitter criticism, the echoes of which have not subsided to this day. After Skryabin’s death, Sabaneye’s creative and philosophical «dialogue» with his friend did not stop, fi nding an embodiment in articles, scientifi c research, two textbooks on the history of music, as well as in his own works (Skryabin’s piano sonata with a program from the poetic text of «Preliminary Action»). And the completion of it can be considered a grandiose cantata Apocalypse, the central composition not only of the emigrant age, but, perhaps, of Sabaneyev’s entire creative life – a tragic response to the intent of the Mystery of Skryabin.
Keywords: Skryabin, Sabaneyev, Russian musical world, Memoirs, Mystery.
Contacts: E-mail: tmaslovskaya@list.ru
Pp. 47-51. |
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