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Musicology Annotation << Back
Stockhausen`s Statistical Method: Compositional Aspect |
Mariva V. Pereverzeva
Karlheinz Stockhausen appealed to statistical method of composition in the middle of the twentieth century, creatively responding to aleatoric ideas of John Cage, Earl Brown, Pierre Boulez, Iannis Xenakis, and the others artists. German composer put beginning of scientific approach to aleatory, which was connected with information theory`s positions, and developed precisely new compositional techniques and musical forms, based on indeterminacy. It causes a casuality of creative action and symbolises a relativity of existence. As it is known, many processes, taking place in the world, are characterised as statistical results, which are caused by chance as one of the rules of the being`s development. Aleatoric action furthers to species` and structures` diversity in the micro- and macroworlds. Stockhausen longed for reflecting this and the other basic rules of universe in his creative works. He applied to work`s structure not as pre-arranged, preconceived and pre-established phenomenon, but as individual project, so he invented a form`s conception specially for each opus. Composer used the stable terms «invention» and «discovery» towards material and form, and his statistical method of composition helped to these processes as a kind of the aleatoric tecnique.
Keywords: aleatory, statistical method, Stockhausen, information theory, indeterminacy, chance, musical form.
Contacts: E-mail: melissasea@mail.ru
Pp. 03-12. |
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