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About Kastalsky cantata «Verse of the Russian church singing» (from archives)
Pavel E. Karpov

Poorly studied composer's creativity of Alexander Dmitrievich Kastalsky considered in the article. Kastalsky is the one of the famous church composer at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries presented in the article as the author of the cantata genre. The composer wrote in the prewar period several choral cantatas on important dates of national history. The study cantata «Verse of the Russian church singing» (1911) written to the Synodal School anniversary. Cantata becomes the fi rst experience in a number of similar genres. Kastalsky tries to connect to the vocal style of the church cantata with instrumental accompaniment. Also he describes in detail the process of creating a cantata (see the Kastalsky’ letter to Grozdov), traced the fate of the choral concert works. Religious themes and everyday tunes are the main thematic material and choral texture writings. Kastalsky composed the music and verbal several cantatas. Thus, the interaction of Words and Music becomes a major in the choral cantata. Composer
attracts borrowed musical material for the illustration the Word: the everyday life «Eternal Memory», a fragment of the exposition
I.S. Bach fugue es-moll of the fi rst volume of the Well-Tempered Clavier. The present choral work is a milestone in the way of creativity Kastalsky creating choral works with instrumental accompaniment.
Keywords: Kastalssky A.D., choral composer, choral cantata, Synod School, ecclesiastical.

Contacts: E-mail: pkarpov_arsviva@mail.ru

Pp. 21-28.


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