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Glinka Nameless anniversary: the 200th anniversary of «the fi rst musical manifestation of feelings» |
Sergey V. Frolov
200 years ago in the life of Mikhail Glinka`s an event that he described as «the fi rst musical expression of feelings». It was provoked by hearing «Kruzel quartet with clarinet». Since then, the future founder of Russian classical music «passionately loved music». Analysis of music quartet Kruzel fi rst made in this publication are allowed to make some observations, as to making this work is to initiate further musical interests Glinka. At the same time designated intonation traces left by them in the music of Glinka.
Keywords: Glinka Quartet Kruzel, the fi rst musical expression of feelings, intonation particular quartet.
Contacts: E-mail: volorf2@yandex.ru
Pp. 50-57. |
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