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Musicology Annotation << Back
On Some Principles of Education
in Special Music Schools for Gifted Children |
Olga V. Shestakova
Special music school is a special kind of education that arose in the national education system in the thirties of the twentieth
century for children with exceptional musical abilities. The range of studies revealing features of the pedagogical process in
these schools is limited to a small number of methodological work. The realization in the context of training of musical prodigy
children for one of the key and universal pedagogical categories – category of the principles of teaching remains out of the
research focus today. The article focuses on two principles – educating and developing training and natural law, then the features
of their realization in the work of teachers in special music schools are revealed . The most specifi c manifestations of these
principles stand for: the priority of the formation of certain professional and personal qualities, the idea of the intensity of training
(in quantitative and qualitative aspects) and the idea of early professionalization (which played a decisive role in the creation of
this type of educational institutions).
Keywords: musical gifted children, special music schools, principle of natural law, principle of educating and developing
training, intensive training, early professionalization.
Contacts: E-mail: 891249149571@rambler.ru
Pp. 42-45. |
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