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The Main Phases of the Formation of Construction, Tuning and Repertoire of the Classical Guitar in Spain
Alexey Kartashov

The article is dedicated to basical phases of guitar evolution in Spain. Such problems are mentioned as instrument’s field of existence, guitar school, evolution of guitar’s construction and repertory. The article considers the main evolutionary processes on six-string guitar, which appeared in Spain in the middle of the XVIII century, up until the second half of the XX century, referring to the earlier historical forms of the instrument (laud, vihuela, baroque guitar) as the previous ones. The main focus is on key phases of guitar's development. From the point of design and tuning it is the emergence of six-chorus and then six-string guitar with standard tuning ee-h-g-d-A-E, as well as the invention is recognized today as a basis for models of Torres. From the point of performance techniques and repertoire describes the experience of composers such guitarists as Aguado, Sor, Tarrega and Segovia, each of whom has made a significant contribution to the development of guitar art. The article made ​​an attempt to make a deep historical cut in order to determine the historical role and place of the guitar in the world of modern music instruments.
Keywords: Fernando Sor, Francisco Tárrega, Andrés Segovia, spanish guitar, classical guitar, guitar music, guitar tuning.

Contacts: E-mail: malder-muz@mail.ru

Pp. 29-34.


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